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The current situation in Gaza 

An Oxfam water container is filled with clean water in Gaza. Displaced People in Rafah in South Gaza to use the newly installed desalination units Oxfam and local partners provided. These units provide clean drinking water for free with no risk of contamination.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has now displaced over 1.9 million people — in many cases, more than once. Deprived of the basics like clean water and food, disease and starvation are deadly risks. Here’s the latest update on life in Gaza, and what your support has helped deliver so far. 

As of last week, Gaza has been under siege for four months. More than 25,000 Palestinians have been killed, and thousands more lay buried under rubble. More than 60,000 people are thought to be injured, with many of these injuries likely to result in permanent disability.  

The 1.9 million people forced out of their homes are now living in increasingly crowded areas, without steady access to the basics we all need to live, like clean water, food, toilets, blankets, soap, bedding and medical supplies. Hunger and disease are now deadly threats, with the danger only set to increase. 

What we’ve been able to deliver to Gaza 

Oxfam staff and partner members deliver folding commodes to shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis, Gaza. With water and sanitation facilities and scarce, these commodes help prevent the spread of disease.

Since the conflict began, supporters like you have generously donated, signed petitions and advocated for a permanent and immediate ceasefire. While a ceasefire remains the only way to truly end this crisis, Oxfam Australia has been preparing to deliver aid while other international affiliates and partners have reached over 73,000 people with life-saving aid. This has helped deliver: 

  • Food parcels, including hot meals 
  • Family hygeine kits including soap and cleaning products 
  • Dignity kits including medical supplies 
  • Cash assistance for non-food items 
  • Mother and baby kits to support new mothers 
  • Assistive devices for people with disabilities 
  • Winterisation kits including blankets and warm clothes 
  • Commodes (portable toilets) 
  • Desalination units to produce clean water 

Bringing clean water to Gaza

People in Gaza queue up to have their water containers filled with clean water in Gaza. Displaced People in Rafah in South Gaza to use the newly installed desalination units Oxfam and local partners provided. These units provide clean drinking water for free with no risk of contamination.

Gaza’s water and sanitation systems are shattered. Water supply is estimated to be at 7 to 17% of what it was before the recent escalation of the conflict. With sanitary conditions severely deteriorating, there’s a major risk of widespread outbreak of diseases. 

In response, Oxfam and Palestinian Environment Friends will be providing essential and lifesaving water, sanitation & hygiene services to displaced individuals across Rafah and Khan Younes. Our goal is to deliver a minimum of 3 litres per day to a population of 25,600 using advanced desalination technology.  

At the end of January, the first desalination unit came into operation, and desperately needed clean water is already reaching Gazans. In addition to further desalination units, there are plans to deliver water tanks, toilets, showers, handwashing stations and other essential items to reduce the risk of disease. 

An immediate, permanent ceasefire remains vital 

Gaza: Tents of the displaced civilians in Rafah, Gaza, after being forcible displaced by the Israeli Military. Photo: Alef Multimedia/Oxfam

With limited aid being allowed into Gaza and further security and logistical constraints once you’re inside, the humanitarian response has still not been large enough to meet the need. While we deliver what aid we can, we continue to call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire.  

30,000 supporters like you have already signed our ceasefire petition. In January, the International Court of Justice found it plausible that Israel is committing genocide and requests Israel “take all measures within its power” to prevent genocide in Gaza. To help make this a reality, you can join us by sending a letter to our MPs and demanding our government continues to call for a ceasefire. It only takes a couple of minutes. 

As the conflict rages on, we’ll continue to keep you updated on what’s going on, the work we’re delivering and how you can help. You can also read regular updates on our dedicated Gaza page.