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This is what our supporters helped achieve in 2023

Melbourne Trailwalker 2023. Teams get ready to start the 100km trail. Photo: Sam Biddle/Oxfam

As we go into 2024, we wanted to give a warm thank you to the supporters who donated their time, money and energy in 2023 to help tackle the inequalities that fuel poverty. 

In the past 12 months our supporters, alongside the partners who help deliver our projects, the community groups they work with and the advocates calling for change, have: 

  • supported more than 2.7 million people in 32 countries 
  • worked with 280 partners to directly impact the lives of over 285,000 people 
  • reached more than 2.5 million people with life-saving aid during an emergency 
  • helped influence more than 15,000 people and 3,400 organisations to advocate for a fairer world 

Oxfam supporters are helping to build more climate-resilient communities, amplify the voices of First Nations people, create opportunities for women to succeed, grow sustainable livelihoods and deliver humanitarian aid. They are helping to change the world. Here’s a taste of what that looks like: