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Your support can help women like Hafsa, and their communities who have been impacted by drought in Somalia.

Somalia is in the middle of a profound and escalating humanitarian emergency

Somalia is now facing a severe and prolonged humanitarian crisis as it enters an unprecedented sixth year of drought.

Across the country, there are almost 3,000 camps for people displaced by the drought with over 2.8 million people living there – uncertain of what the future holds. Life in the camps is hard. There is not enough water, food or shelter for everyone, and the situation worsens each day as more people arrive looking for support.

Oxfam is currently delivering a large-scale, life-saving humanitarian response prioritising water, sanitation and hygiene supplies that are desperately needed. Your generous support can ensure urgent needs are met, while laying the foundations for long-term recovery and resilience.

Somalia’s heart-breaking reality

Somalia is facing their worst drought in 40 years

How you can help

Against a background of continuing internal conflict, dwindling water supplies and crop failure, the number of internally displaced people is growing rapidly. In communities and camps for internally displaced people across the country, clean water and sanitation are urgently needed. Oxfam is also paying close attention to the security of women who already facing discrimination and inequality in their everyday lives.

Somalia: Ibado on her daily round to visit the Internal Displaced people in a camp near Oog. Ibado (purple dress, glasses) lives in the village of Oog, near Burao in Somaliland. She is assisting IDP’s that are victim of the ongoing drought in the Horn of Africa. Photo: Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam Novib.


can help provide immediate access to life-sustaining clean water for families displaced by drought.

Somalia: In an IDP camp at the outskirts of Garowe, some different families have found shelter after they had to leave their homes because of the ongoing drought situation. Some people have been living here since the last drought in 2017. Photo: Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam Novib


can help provide safe, long-term access to water by constructing water sources and water desalination systems.

Women and man fetching water from a shallow well in Sincaro village, Sanaag region. Photo: Abdiaziz Adani / Oxfam


can help support programs that help women discover their leadership potential and break down barriers to participation in their community.

Meet the resilient women of Somalia

As the situation escalates in Somalia, many mothers have made the difficult choice to leave their homes in search of water, shelter and security. These resourceful and resilient women are doing everything they can to provide protection and life-saving essentials for their families.

Somalia: In an IDP camp at the outskirts of Garowe, some different families have found shelter after they had to leave their homes because of the ongoing drought situation. Some people have been living here since the last drought in 2017. Hafsa Abdikader Ahmed (red head scrarf) is twenty years of age. Photo: Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam Novib

Hafsa’s story is one of many

After the drought destroyed her livelihood, Hafsa had to leave her village in search of food and water for her two young children.

“We carried two goats with us, though they are very weak. We used to have more than 150 goats, all of them but two have died because of the drought, which is devastating for our home situation. Goats generate milk, meat and money if we sell them…I wished we could go back to our village.”

Somalia: In an IDP camp at the outskirts of Garowe, some different families have found shelter after they had to leave their homes because of the ongoing drought situation. Some people have been living here since the last drought in 2017. Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam Novib

Farhiya’s story

Once a successful pastoralist, Farhiya lost her livestock in the drought. With no more food or income, she moved her family to a camp for internally displaced people.

“Livestock is an asset and everything for the nomadic people. If you lose that asset, you don’t have anything in your hands. You become poor when you have lost your livestock. So now I can’t take care of the children. They need to have an education, and I have no support.”

Somalia: Mariam Hussein, 45 years old. Mariam is a widow with seven sons and daughters. Pablo Tosco/Oxfam Intermón

Mariam’s story

Mariam once had 50 camels, but only two survived the 2017 drought. She used the surviving camels to move her children to a village with water.
Anticipating a prolonged drought, Mariam sold the camels to support her family.

“Every day I found a dead or sick camel… The camels are resistant, but these last droughts have been very hostile.”

Somalia: Kaltum Ahmed Mohamad lives in the Sincaro Community. Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam Intermón

Kaltum’s story

Like many people in her community, Kaltum has struggled to access enough clean water for her family.

“We have had a severe drought for a long time, and you only get water from time to time, and it depends on how you save water as a family.

The biggest impact of the drought was on mothers and children because the mother sometimes will have some challenges with their children. So, we struggle with water, and the most water we have is two gallons.”

What you need to know

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When you donate to Oxfam Australia, you’re joining a global movement of people working together to eliminate poverty by tackling inequality.

For more than 70 years, Oxfam has been working with local partners and communities to provide immediate and long-term solutions that help people lift themselves out of poverty.

Our commitment to working alongside local partners and communities enables us to reach millions of people across the world every year. This remarkable work is possible thanks to generous donations from supporters like you.

Your donations help build more climate-resilient communities, amplify the voices of First Nations people, drive economic equality, create opportunities for women to succeed, and deliver humanitarian aid. Oxfam’s approach is unique because we work in partnership with communities to address poverty in the long term, meaning your gift will benefit generations to come. With you, our partners and communities, we are changing the world for the better every day, to relieve and eliminate poverty.

Where does Oxfam Australia Work?

Oxfam Australia’s mission to combat poverty and inequality takes us all over the world. Our efforts are powered by the generosity of our donors, whose contributions enable us to make a tangible difference in the lives of communities we work with. Each donation helps us expand our reach, allowing us to work in diverse environments to deliver immediate aid and long-term solutions.

For a closer look at our impact and where your donations are making a difference, visit the ‘Countries Where We Work‘ section on our site. There, you’ll find detailed insights into the specific challenges communities in these regions face and how Oxfam Australia’s initiatives, funded by donations like yours, are addressing them. Whether it’s responding to emergencies, supporting sustainable development projects, or advocating for social justice, your donations help alleviate poverty across the world.

How does Oxfam Australia work?

Oxfam Australia’s work is firmly rooted in communities. We work with, and centre, the voices and experiences of people most impacted by poverty, inequality and injustice because they understand the issues and solutions. We mobilise funds and resources, share knowledge of how best to achieve local and systemic change, and support local capabilities. We work with allies and supporters to challenge powerful decision-makers to transform the systems and practices that perpetuate inequality. Our advocacy is grounded in the priorities of partners and communities and seeks to amplify the voices of people experiencing the injustice of poverty.

Oxfam Australia strives to:

– Save lives before, during and after humanitarian crises, where every donation helps us provide immediate and effective responses.
– Work locally with communities to foster development and influence policies aimed at reducing poverty. Your donations mean we can support these communities more robustly.
– Influence governments, institutions and businesses to adopt fair laws and practices that lift people out of poverty. Donations are crucial in amplifying our voice and impact.

Our ability to run humanitarian appeals and mobilise Australians for positive change relies heavily on the generosity of the public, and each donation contributes to the success of our campaigns.

Thanks to the diverse and committed support of our donors, volunteers, and program partners, we can implement innovative and practical solutions to combat poverty. Our partnerships with local organisations are vital, allowing us to deliver programs that not only save lives but also tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice.

Your donations are the backbone of our operations, supporting our efforts at all levels and ensuring that we can continue to make a significant difference in the lives of millions of people every day. 

Where does the money go when I donate to Oxfam?

Your donation is directed to where it’s needed most. We prioritise flexibility in our funding to ensure that your donation has the maximum impact and supports a wide array of Oxfam’s programs across the globe. From emergency relief efforts in the aftermath of disasters or crises to long-term development projects aimed at eradicating poverty and injustice, your donation enables us to respond swiftly and effectively.

Transparency about the allocation of donations is fundamental to us. For those interested in seeing exactly where the money goes, we provide a detailed breakdown of expenditure

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We’re eager to share how your support can help change lives and let you know the various ways you can contribute to Oxfam’s mission.

Your interest and willingness to donate play a crucial role in our ongoing efforts to combat poverty and injustice worldwide. We’re here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of making a difference.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Regular donors will receive a consolidated tax receipt at the end of the Australian financial year (July). Once of donations will receive their tax receipt via email immediately after their donation. For more information, head to our tax deductible donations page.

Will you help women impacted by drought in Somalia?

With every crisis, women’s rights and progress towards gender equality are threatened. Together, we can make sure resilient women and their communities facing poverty and inequality have access to clean water and sanitation.

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