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Our woman in East Africa

Last week, Oxfam’s media coordinator for international projects and emergencies, Chee Chee Leung, flew to East Africa to cover the situation firsthand and see how Oxfam is working to improve conditions for refugees in the region. Chee Chee will be sending us regular updates from the field — which we’ll be sharing with you on our website. You can also follow Chee Chee on Twitter.

Chee Chee is currently in Dadaab, where she is visiting the camps and meeting refugees and field workers. Yesterday she went to the Ifo extensions, where she took the following photos. (Captions also by Chee Chee.)

Stay tuned for further updates from the field.

PHOTO: Chee Chee Leung/OxfamAus

Right: Our Oxfam team loading up the truck with logs that will be used for latrine walls at Kambioss extension.

Above: Love a good Oxfam bucket sighting. Here being put to good use at Ifo outskirts, Dadaab.