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Bangladesh is home to 166 million people, and is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It has made improvements in income growth and social development, but still faces significant challenges, with 1 in 5 people living below the poverty line. Inequality across gender, ethnicity and regional divides contributes to poverty and marginalised people are often unable to assert their basic human rights, access essential services or contribute to society.

With a large population that relies on the land to survive, climate change is also a significant threat to the people of Bangladesh. As the land degrades, families are increasingly unable to produce enough food to sell for an income or to feed themselves.

Oxfam has been addressing poverty and inequality in Bangladesh since the country’s independence in 1971. We support large-scale change to policies and structures that help marginalised people engage in decisions and processes that impact their lives and provide opportunities for them to benefit from economic growth.



Blue Economy and Inclusive Development for Climate Justice project

The coast of Bangladesh is one of the country’s most vulnerable areas to climate change. Oxfam is mobilising communities to restore coastal and marine ecosystems that provide livelihoods and protection from climatic vulnerabilities. We will also promote green businesses that directly contribute to livelihoods without increasing vulnerability to climate change or pollution. This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program.

Bangladesh Consortium Rohingya Response project

Around one million Rohingya refugees have fled violence in Myanmar to live in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Oxfam is supporting over 117,000 Rohingya refugees and their host community with the provision of food, water and sanitation as well as promoting protection, social cohesion and gender equality. This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Bangladesh Consortium.

Empowering Women Through Civil Society project

In Bangladesh, informal workers – particularly women – lack recognition, protection and are vulnerable to exploitation. Oxfam is supporting women working in informal workplaces by supporting organisations to promote gender equality and empowering them to play an active role in governance, including reform or implementation of laws, policies and practices at national and local levels. This project is supported by the European Union.


We know the best way to fight poverty and injustice is to help people help themselves. Change the lives of vulnerable communities in Bangladesh and around the world today.


Demand big clothing brands pay the women who make our clothes a living wage. While big brands make big money, and women like Parvin (pictured) struggle to survive on poverty wages.


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