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Yemen: Cash transfers in Aslam district supporting drought-hit families

The alarming situation in Yemen

Since the escalation of the conflict in Yemen, millions of people have been forced to flee their homes. More than 23 million – almost three-quarters of the population – need humanitarian assistance, including 17 million who suffer from hunger.

Among those affected by the crisis are thousands of families who have lost everything and are struggling to survive in one of the driest and poorest areas in the country, the Aslam district in Hajjah governorate.

During the first months of this year, a severe drought hit several Yemeni governorates, leading to harsh conditions for many families who rely on farming or livestock for their livelihoods.

Oxfam response to the Yemen crisis

Since July 2015, Oxfam has helped more than 3 million people in nine governorates of Yemen with clean water and sanitation materials, cash assistance and food vouchers.

In the Aslam district, Oxfam has been providing food security assistance in the form of cash transfers to help families affected by the drought. So far, we have delivered two payment rounds to help 1,200 families cope with the harsh drought conditions. We continue to work closely with local authorities to ensure that these cash transfers reach those who need them most.

Jome’ah’s survival story

Jome’ah is a 65-year-old mother of four living in Aslam district, Yemen. She has been farming her land for many years, growing crops like sorghum and millet and raising livestock such as sheep.

Due to this year’s drought, Jome’ah faced significant challenges to her farming and seeding process. The cost of renting a tractor increased significantly, putting a major strain on her already limited resources.

Despite these challenges, Jome’ah was able to receive support from local cash transfer programs to help cover some of her costs. With this assistance, she was able to continue providing for herself and her family, even during these tough times.

While the drought has now subsided, Jome’ah’s story highlights the important role that cash transfers play in supporting vulnerable families affected by natural disasters and other crises. It is critical that we prioritise efforts to ensure that these programs are available and accessible to all who need them.

We couldn’t do this without you

We know that every dollar counts during difficult times like this, and we are grateful for your generous support as we work to help families in need. Thank you for standing with us as we continue our efforts to improve the lives and livelihoods of people affected by this terrible drought. Together, we can make a difference.