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Sneaky Business marches through Indonesia

More than 240 people from around the world have joined Sneaky Business—an online march to demand workers’ rights in the footwear industry.

Marchers are finding creative ways to call on footwear brands to take responsibility for workers’ rights.

Dozens have written their own messages on placards. Australian marcher Kate Connor calls into question the low wages in the sneaker industry. “How much would you expect for a hard day’s work?” Kate asks sneaker brands, “Enough to feed your kids? Living wages now!”

Indonesian marcher Ikarini wrote “a decent wage is a worker’s right, by providing better working conditions brands can increase workers’ quality of life.”

The march is now in Indonesia where workers like Sari Idayani—a union leader of SBGTS at adidas supplier, PT Panarub—are taking a stand for better wages and the right to unionize.

Sari has been calling for an increase in the daily food allowance at her factory. The allowance hasn’t increased in three years, despite sharply rising food prices. She is also concerned about health conditions at the factory, including the lack of clean drinking water.

Sari hopes that freedom of association is properly implemented at her factory and she is allowed to carry out union activities freely. She believes that with freedom of association workers at her factory will be able to improve conditions and will no longer face intimidation from factory security. She hopes that consumers from around the world will demand more from best-selling brands like adidas. She encourages you to take action.


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Join the march to help it reach its next destination in Vietnam, where workers make up to 700 million pairs of sneakers every year.
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