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Have you seen the ad that everyone’s talking about?

The national week of YES to action on climate change is underway and the television ad is causing quite a stir!

If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the ad being aired this week, featuring actors Michael Caton and Cate Blanchett alongside ordinary Australians.

Michael and Cate have got behind the cause, representing 3 million Australians. But some of the opposition and the media have criticised their involvement. So why did they get involved?

Michael Caton said this week: “I’m just wondering what will happen to my grandchildren… in 2050 I suspect my grandchildren would be really disappointed in me if I didn’t take a stand and try to do something to make a positive impact on their standard of living.” Cate Blanchett feels the same way: ”I can’t look my children in the face if I’m not trying to do something in my small way and to urge other people.”

Along with the ad a statement was handed over on Monday at Parliament house, signed by 140 individuals and organisations (including Oxfam Australia). Academics, doctors, writers, actors, former politicians and community groups signed the statement to say YES to putting a price on pollution, and to investment and jobs in renewable energy. Have a look here to read the statement.

Want to add your voice to those saying YES?

Make sure you make it down to a community event in your capital city on World Environment Day this Sunday June 5.

In the meantime let’s make sure as many people see this add as possible. Watch the video and share it with your friends. Share it on Facebook, share it on Twitter, email it to a friend.

And if you are still unsure what a price on pollution would mean.. check out these useful fact sheets at the Say YES website.