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Our approach

We’ve been tackling poverty and empowering communities to build better lives for themselves for more than 60 years. Yet, the world around us is changing and so are we.

From unequal income, economic opportunities and access to basic services; to the unequal impacts of climate damage internationally – inequality causes of poverty.

We tackle inequality because poverty in the 21st century is less a problem of scarcity but the result of how resources, opportunities, and protections are distributed and wielded.

How we work

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Humanitarian Work

We mobilise resources, invest in innovation, scale humanitarian impact, support local humanitarian leadership, and strengthen locally-led responses, recovery and resilience.

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Aid and Development

With our work firmly rooted in communities, we mobilise funds and resources, advance knowledge of how best to achieve local and systemic change, and support local capabilities.

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We work with allies and supporters to challenge powerful decision-makers to transform the systems and practices that perpetuate inequality. Our advocacy is grounded in the priorities of partners and communities and seeks to amplify the voices of those experiencing the injustice of poverty.

Our focus

Together with our global network of allies, in the years to 2025 we will set about transforming the systems that enable so much power and money to accumulate in the hands of so few.

The four issues we have chosen to focus on share the characteristics of being deeply rooted, dynamic, and complex. They are also areas we have deep experience and expertise in and are best placed to contribute to.

None will be solved easily and quickly, none can be solved in isolation, and none will be solved through our efforts alone.