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Climate crunch time for Kellogg

Guest Blogger Elisa Riquier is an international intern doing a placement in the Perth Office.

On World Environment Day, Oxfam supporters across the world undertook international action to tackle the biggest food companies for their impact on climate change and called on them to use their collective voices to call for stronger action on climate change. In Australia, the targeted companies were Kellogg’s and General Mills.

Supporters and staff from the Oxfam office in Perth campaigned in front of the Kellogg’s office, after a week of cutting up and crafting yellow envelops in order to create giants corn flakes to carry in front of the Kellogg’s’ office in East Victoria Park. Our giant creations successfully appeared on the front page of a local newspaper, the actions around Australia and around the world had a genuine impact on these food companies.

Indeed, few days after the campaigning actions for World Environment Day, the CEOs of 8 of the 10 biggest food and beverage companies joined together with the heads of some 400 major companies to call on world leaders, “to act with determination, leadership and ambition to secure an ambitious and legally binding global climate deal.”

We are now hoping they will match these words to take concrete steps in their own supply chains to reduce emissions.