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Show the world your inner #foodhero and win a Fairtrade hamper!

The #foodhero movement is growing every day, but we need your help to make it absolutely massive!

Show your mates how amazing life is when you’re a #foodhero and you could win a fabulous Oxfam Fairtrade food hamper full of chocolate, coffee, lots of treats and an awesome Oxfam 60th anniversary cookbook. You’ll even get an awesome t-shirt!

It’s easy to enter. Post a picture to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook with the #foodhero hashtag. It could be a picture of your delicious home cooked meal, fair-trade coffee, vege-patch or even a cheeky selfie (the gorgeous #foodhero that you are). Other ways you can be a #foodhero include choosing products that ensure small farmers get a fair deal, reducing your food waste, eating seasonal and organic food, and eating less meat and dairy

Outrageous #foodhero poses get extra bonus points!

Entries close on 15 March and our expert panel of judges will announce the lucky winner at the end of March