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Thank you for helping Eat Local Feed Global this year

Last Wednesday was World Food Day and as part of our work fighting poverty and hunger, we asked you to Eat Local Feed Global with friends or family and do your bit to reduce hunger around the world.

And you answered a resounding ‘Yes!’

More than 400 events took place — with supporters just like you getting together in community groups, workplaces, universities, government departments, cafes, community gardens. Why? To share a sustainable meal, raise some money and call on our Government to play a leadership role in tackling global hunger.

Eat Local Feed Global is part of Oxfam’s GROW campaign. At its heart, GROW has a simple message: too many people are going hungry because the food system does not work for those most in need. Despite the world producing more than enough food, 1 in 8 people still go to bed hungry every day.

Changing the way we produce, distribute and consume food requires significant changes in behaviours, and practices from consumers, companies and governments. And that’s where you come in.

So thank you. Whether you hosted a meal, donated money to our life changing work, or signed our petition calling on the Government to prioritise aid to small-scale food producers (like farmers, fisher folk and labourers), your support has made an amazing difference.

Through your involvement with Eat Local Feed Global, you are helping build a future where everyone has enough to eat.

Thank you.

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