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Join the Movement to End Poverty

With a Federal Election looming this year, it’s time to join together with other Australians to show support for doing our part to end extreme poverty.

Because we believe it is possible to end extreme poverty, Oxfam Australia is joining the Movement to End Poverty. This is a joint action of the Make Poverty History and Micah Challenge Coalitions, for all Australians who believe we can end extreme poverty.

Here’s what we’re saying to our leaders;

Since 1990, aid has helped to reduce extreme poverty, including almost halving the number of children around the world who die before their fifth birthday – 14,000 fewer children dying every single day.

Let’s help make poverty history by giving our fair share of aid – just 70 cents in every $100 of Australia’s national income by 2020.

As a step towards contributing our fair share, the Government must keep its promise to increase aid to 50 cents in every $100 dollars of national income by 2016 and the Opposition must match this commitment.

If the petition does not appear to you on this page, please click through to Join the Movement to End Poverty here