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Will your local MP support Kyoto 2?

From receding Arctic ice to a dying Great Barrier Reef, from drought in the US, to the food crisis in West Africa, a changing climate has never felt more real.

Last year governments agreed to start negotiations on a comprehensive global climate agreement designed to limit global warming to 2°C – considered the safe threshold to avoid dangerous climate change.

“Kyoto2” is the missing link to achieve this.Kyoto2 is the bridge to a more ambitious legally binding climate agreement. Without it, there will be no requirement for rich countries to reduce their emissions during what is regarded as the “critical decade” for action.

With the next round of UN climate talks just around the corner, the message could not be clearer – to avoid catastrophic warming we need to drastically increase the pace of international action. And this starts with signing Kyoto2.

Australia announcing its support for Kyoto2 will create much needed momentum when the UN climate talks resume next month. As a constituent, your voice is very powerful.

Please send an email to your local MP urging they speak up for Australia to publicly commit to Kyoto2 before negotiations get underway in November in Doha.