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Your new wardrobe? Photo: Prue Upton/3things

3things’ Ethical Fashion Month

Photo: Prue Upton/3things
Photo: Prue Upton/3things

Fancy a spring clean of your wardrobe? Feeling festive? Inspired by the MCA’s mass clothes swap event during the 18th Biennale of Sydney, 3things have created the ultimate DIY Clothes Swap Kit — a gorgeous and handy ‘how-to’ guide complete with swap etiquette, recipes and swing tags to help you host the ultimate swap event. The launch of this fabulous kit heralds the arrival of Ethical Fashion Month, which is happening throughout September on the 3things website.

In time for spring, we’ve turned our attention to our wardrobes — learning about the ethics behind fashion, finding out how we can reduce our fashion footprint and hearing from innovators, designers and change-makers who are challenging the ‘fast fashion’ culture we live in. We’ve been providing weekly updates including blogs, interviews, links, DIY mending tips and all things that inspire us when it comes to making more eco- and people-friendly fashion choices. We’re encouraging everyone to kick-start their spring clean by hosting a Clothes Swap. Head to the 3things website and join us to get the ultimate wardrobe makeover.

Oxfam Australia’s 3things initiative offers simple, personal and practical ways for young people to get involved in social justice issues and bring about positive change.

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Photo: courtesy Mark Pilbeam (
Photo: courtesy Mark Pilbeam (

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