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Changing the world, 3things at a time

3things is Oxfam Australia’s youth program, providing opportunities and support for young Australians who want to make the world a better place in ways that are meaningful to them.

We start by posing the question: What are 3things that you can do to help change the world?

The philosophy behind 3things is that if we all take steps to act ethically, sustainably and generously, we can change the world — one decision at a time. This can happen on a local, national or global scale: through our combined actions, we can reduce poverty and work towards a world where the environment is sustained and everyone is free to express their basic human rights.

Oxfam recognises the importance of developing a strong youth force to ensure the continued sustainability of the movement against poverty and injustice. We’re also aware of how overwhelming the scale of global problems can seem. Many young Australians have limited knowledge of specific issues, and don’t realise how many ways they could make a genuine contribution.

Working with popular youth culture, as well as in high schools and universities across Australia, 3things aims to increase young Australians’ awareness of global issues and to help them take positive action.

Find out more about 3things

Or browse by the following categories


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3things’ blogs: bringing social justice issues into people’s everyday lives through music and arts, food, fashion, tech, travel, sport and the environment. Content is produced by 3things volunteers and the community.

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3things’ events: whether it’s a 3things-hosted event such as 3things’ Hip Hop Approach or 3things’ Exchange for Change, or a presence at community events like the Finders Keepers Markets or Tropfest, our Street Team of volunteers is out there asking people to add their 3things to the mix and join the movement for global goodness.

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3things’ comps and creative call-outs: for creatives and not-so-creatives, our comps and call-outs give young Australians the chance to demonstrate how they’re changing the world. You can also enter draws to win awesome prizes like tickets to music festivals and events, as well as fair trade goodies from Oxfam Shops.

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the Basics: a collection of the best tips and tricks to help you make a difference including stories from those who are already changing the world, 3things at a time.

Schools – for teachers

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Oxfam resources for teachers: complete education kits plus useful resources and activities for bringing social justice and active citizenship into the classroom.

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Educators shaping change blog: Ideas, resources and tools for bringing social justice and active citizenship into the classroom.


3things’ Design4Change: information, opportunities and support for emerging leaders in design, communications and business. Use your day-to-day professional activity to influence change in your local and global community!

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Oxfam Uni Groups: a national network of university clubs and societies working together to support Oxfam’s work around the world.

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