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Tackling poverty by changing minds, systems and lives

Can you imagine a world without poverty? Here at Oxfam, that’s our goal.

It’s amazing what we can achieve when we come together. We find and deliver smart, sustainable solutions for the many causes and symptoms of poverty. It’s a tough gig – but vitally important. And we couldn’t do this life-saving work without the support from people like you.

Here are six ways that you are helping to tackle poverty around the world.

Providing clean water

Dirty water and poor hygiene kill more people than war each year.

Together, we can deliver clean water and santitation to communities that need it most, to save lives and prevent the spread of disease.

In Bangladesh, a teenage girl shows a small child how to wash her hands properly
Photo: Tom Pietrasik/OxfamAUS

Stopping hunger

Globally, 1 in 9 people go to bed hungry each day.

Together, we can alleviate hunger by empowering small-scale farmers to access land, grow more food, and connect with markets.

In Oecussi, Timor-Leste, farmers like Jose have learnt innovative ways to plant their crops and now have the tools and seeds to improve their community’s future.
Photo: Alfredo Prado/OxfamAUS

Empowering women and girls

Worldwide, violence, exploitation and illiteracy keep women poor and limit their participation in society.

With your help, together we can create opportunities for women and girls to thrive.

Domestic worker Tabitha lives on $2.50 a week in in Nairobi, Kenya. Supporting women to have access to quality and decent work and improve their livelihoods is vital for fulfilling women’s rights.
Photo: Allan Gichigi/OxfamAUS

Saving lives

When disaster strikes, Oxfam responds with vital essentials to help people survive.

And before crises happen, we work proactively with vulnerable communities to minimise the damage caused by climate change and natural hazards.

Vani received a hygiene kit and bucket from Oxfam after Cyclone Winston struck Fiji. Oxfam also installed tap stands, tanks and repaired water systems in the village, so she and her children no longer have to go down to the river to wash up and bathe.
Photo: Alicja Grocz/Oxfam

Giving people a voice

With your support, Oxfam helps people speak up for their rights.

Together, we empower the communities most affected by poverty, such as women, small-scale farmers, Indigenous peoples and minority groups.

Women from Ela Mitra Women’s Club in Dhaka meet up to make decisions about their own lives and become role models for others, and work to create a supportive environment for women and girls in both their own households and within the community.
Photo: Peter Caton/OxfamAUS

Looking out for our lot

In Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are more likely to be affected by poverty.

We work with Indigenous-led organisations to Close the Gap and make sure their voices are heard.

This year, more than 1000 separate National Close the Gap Day events were held across Australia, calling on governments to honour their commitments to addressing Indigenous health inequality.
Photo: Jason Malouin/OxfamAUS

The Melbourne International Comedy Festival has partnered with Oxfam Australia for more than 20 years to help to provide long-term change — helping people grow more food, educate their children, and lead healthy, productive lives.

When you donate to the Comedy Gala Appeal, you’ll be part of life-changing solutions just like these.

Help create lasting solutions

Poverty is no joke. In fact, it’s a stinker. But together, we can help tackle poverty. Donate to the Comedy Gala Appeal and help save lives around the world.

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