With less than a month until Christmas, the stress of finding the perfect gift for your loved one may be starting to take its toll.
A quick search of ‘Christmas gift ideas for him/her/kids/BFFs’ will generate an assortment things, from soapy-things to candle-things to pair-of-socks-things.
And while these make great gifts, what do you give the person who already has all of the… things?!
We’ve got the solution for you. Oxfam Unwrapped charity gift cards – the most smile-inducing gifts you can give.
This year, gift your loved one a goat. Or a veggie garden. Or even… a pile of manure?
And to take it up a notch, Oxfam Unwrapped has teamed up with an international smorgasbord of talented artists to deliver the Oxfam Unwrapped Artist Series — a new range of beautiful, unique cards that provide an artistic twist on the classic Unwrapped look.
With four distinctive styles to choose from, we guarantee you’ll find the perfect gift for your loved one.
Bees in vivid technicolour – a gift that can start a honey farm and send children to school

Melbourne-based mixed-media artist Chrissie Abbott was commissioned to produce the brand new “Bees” card. The result is a beautiful, vividly technicolour piece that Chrissie says is a celebration of bees.
“I gathered images I felt that were engaging, scanned them and made the composition,” she says. “I wanted to make it really joyful, with a positive vibe … bees just coming in and out of the flowers, doing a bee thing.”
Not only will this beautiful bee card bring a smile to your loved one’s face, but you can’t beat the feeling of knowing you’ve helped families in Papua New Guinea to earn a living through providing low-cost equipment and training for a family in beekeeping. Plus, with the money from the honey, the family can buy medicines and send their kids to school.
Chrissie says working with Oxfam was a real pleasure. “It makes a nice change to do something for good.”
The striking Fair Trade Education card,a gift that can build schools, hospitals and wells

You can shop the Artist Series range and other unique gifts online, available from Oxfam Unwrapped.
Feel the warm fuzzies this Christmas, comfortable in the knowledge that you have helped transform the lives of people living in poverty. We guarantee that there’s a gift to suit everyone, and every budget!

Oxfam Unwrapped
Thanks to people like you, Oxfam Unwrapped is helping to transform the lives of people living in poverty by providing education, clean water and other life-changing essentials.