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A message from Winnie, Oxfam International

Today is International Volunteer Day, a United Nations day celebrated annually on 5 December.

It’s a chance for us here at Oxfam Australia to acknowledge the incredible amount of time, energy and passion volunteers offer us and our work. Whether you’ve volunteered with Oxfam this year or not, you are a valued part of our Oxfam community and your continued support means a lot to us!

This year, Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director at Oxfam International, has recorded a special message for you.


Hello friends on International Volunteer Day.

Oxfam is a global organisation of about 10,000 staff members and almost five times that number of volunteers: 50,000 volunteers.

We believe in the power of people against poverty and our people are our most valuable asset.

Oxfam relies on volunteers to function, to carry out many of our day-to-day tasks. Every action from a volunteer, every contribution made works towards our goals.

Whether you’re a voluntary humanitarian worker in Nepal; a truck driver in Melbourne; a volunteer in a shop in Belgium; a campaigner on the streets of Brazil; championing women’s rights in India or organising a festival in London, you are all contribution towards saving lives in times of natural disasters and conflict; giving assistance when people most need it; providing development opportunities for communities in need; you are supporting the work that we do to challenge injustice and you’re making the world a fairer place for all.

Every voice, every action is what backs up our authority and expertise of Oxfam. It is this people-power that makes Oxfam one of the world’s leading International NGOs.

From our hearts we say thank you, thank you volunteers.

On behalf of those that we are able to help because of your tireless and selfless efforts as volunteers, we say thank you. Oxfam mobilises the power of people against poverty, and we could not do it without our amazing volunteers.

So as we end the year and enter the festive season, I hope that you’ll be able to take some time to rest, and enjoy some time with your friends and family over the coming weeks.

We look forward to working with you over the coming year. Happy International Volunteer Day.

Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, Oxfam International

PS. And a huge THANK YOU to you all from Oxfam Australia too!