Update: In 2018, the Just Group joined the Bangladesh Fire & Building Safety Accord. To learn more about the Just Group and what they need to do to progress in their living wage journey, please click here.
In the last week, thousands of Australians have asked Just Group a simple question:
“When are you going to stop breaking hearts and sign the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Accord?”
Their response?
Not happening. Stop asking.
You can read it in full here and tell them what you think of it here.
This week marks the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which took the lives of over a thousand textile workers.
Since then over 196 companies from around the world have listened to the stories of their workers and consumers and have signed the Accord to ensure their workers’ safety.
Over 196 companies from around the world have signed the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Accord to ensure their workers’ safety
But the Just Group, who own Just Jeans and a range of other familiar brands, says it’s doing enough to protect workers’ rights already.
Without signing onto the Accord, which includes the voices of workers and unions, and with a lack of transparency from the company about its factory locations, there is no way to verify this claim.
The Just Group seriously think they can wait this out. They think that Australians just don’t care enough.
Tell them you do care. Leave a message on their Facebook page now.