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Vibewire + 3things do FastBREAK

Sunday morning was epic. I don’t usually say that because, let’s face it, Sunday mornings usually involve me feeling a little under the weather (through no fault of my own of course!) But last Sunday morning really was amazing.

We were super excited at 3things to be sponsoring the supersized version of Vibewire‘s fastBREAK this month. And with a stellar lineup of  10 awesome speakers with 5 minutes each to give us their ‘3things to change the world’ we were completely blown out of the water by what we heard! There is a video a coming your way soon  so stay tuned to hear the full wrap-up from all the speakers involved, but just for now here are our 3 highlights of the event, with 3things you can take forward and start doing right now to see some social change!

Gotta note though how hard it was to pick just three! All of the speakers were incredible, with such awesome insights to share so once we have the videos together you’ll be able to hear from them all too!


1. Sam McClean, the National Director of GetUp! give us some really insightful and practical 3things. The first – moving your money! Australian’s super is the biggest pool of money in the world so we should stop giving it to dirty super funds and consider investing it elsewhere. Change your energy company – do a bit of research and switch to ones with better ethical and sustainable business models. GetUp! has some awesome resources to get your started, so really sit down and make a few minor changes to where your money in being spent. And finally Sam told us to start complaining more. Grumpy old grandmothers are always to ones to complain, and always the ones heard, so if we want things to change then we need to start complaining! Tell your radio, newspaper, magazine that you don’t like what they’re publishing. Use your voice and complain away my friends. Apparently it works!

2. Our second pick was Ollie Henderson from House of Riot. Ollie said she never thought that politics were for her – it always seemed so inaccessible and removed from our daily lives. But Ollie used her platform as a model to make a splash and get involved in politics in a really fun way, and with a big F you to the things she was unhappy with. So – 1. Fashion can be a force for change. 2. Politics are for everyone. And 3. Use what you’ve got. If you’re a model, dancer, writer, painter you can use your platform and your art to create conversations and change. Any form of protest is beautiful!


3. And our last pick was the man James Colley. 1. Give a shit (not literally!) 2. Get a shit (what do you need to get started) and 3. Be the shit (find your audience and earn their attention). Translation: What do you care about? What do you need to do something about it? And once you’re ready to go out and do it find some mates, pals, friends, people who believe in it too and you are on your way to making some serious change.Like we said it was soooo hard to pick just three and we promise some video content your way very soon.

Check out the rest of the speakers and their bios here and come back for the rest in a few days!In the meantime, why don’t you pick your 3things for social change? See whats hot, get inspired by others or by how much time you have over at our Add your 3things page.