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Seven year old Mungo is busking for the Philippines

Last week we received news of an amazing seven year old boy, Mungo. After he saw the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan he wanted to do something for the people of the Philippines.

Mungo put his ukulele lessons to good use by busking outside his house, raising $50 in the process. We think he’s amazing and shows great community spirit for someone so young.

The community has agreed and rallied behind Mungo. In just a few short weeks Mungo has:

  • Attracted nearly 1000 likes on Facebook
  • Had his picture taken for the Herald Sun (above)
  • Raised more than $1,200 in support of Oxfam’s emergency work.
  • Shown you’re never too young to be a role model!

Oxfam supporters may come in all ages, shapes and sizes, but they all care about making a difference.

If you haven’t donated to Oxfam’s Typhoon Haiyan Appeal, consider making a donation.