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Stop the big brands cheating this Olympics! DIY soccer action guide

Whether it’s through longer working hours, higher production targets, shorter contracts or leaner real wages, too often global brands race to the bottom when it comes to the rights of workers making their products.But on the eve of the 2012 Olympics in London, many are convinced that global brands can do better.

Campus groups around the country are calling on global brands, the IOC and the organizers of the London 2012 Olympics, to raise the bar on workers’ rights. Students in Melbourne and Sydney will host their own Play Fair soccer matches as a protest against 2012 Olympic brands who are cheating workers of their rights. Keep an eye out for referees who will issue red cards as a warning that big brands must play fair and uphold workers’ fundamental rights. These rights include decent working conditions, freedom to organize and collectively bargain and a living wage.

The soccer matches will raise awareness around the plight of millions of factory workers around the world receiving poverty wages while making products for some of the world’s most profitable brands.

Why not get together with your friends and hold your own Play Fair soccer match?

Other ways that you can take action include:

• Put your best foot forward for sports shoe workers rights in the Sneaky Business virtual march to the London 2012 Olympics

• Download the Play Fair 2012 Action Pack

• Sign the petition calling on the IOC to uphold workers’ rights

• Read the Fair Games? and Toying with Workers’ Rights reports investigating human rights in Olympics supply chains