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Tides of Resilience

On the evening of November 15 2007 Cyclone Sidr struck the south coast of Bangladesh, thousands of people lost their lives. Full of rivers that meander to the coast, most of Bangladesh is a low-lying flood plain. It’s bursting at the seams and is saturated with water and with people.

Photographer Rodney Dekker travelled to Bangladesh a year after Sidr and found that recovery from the cyclone was slow, many rural peasants were still homeless and fishermen had become climate refugees. Cyclones of greater intensity in the Bay of Bengal are just one of the many ways that climate change is having a major impact on this densely populated country.

Rodney Dekker has worked with Oxfam in the past, travelling to Tuvalu and Kiribati in 2010 and 2011 to document the impacts of climate change and rising sea levels.