Oxfam Australia

Oxfam invites you to Sow the Seed of change

Sow the seed

Climate change is impacting the world’s poorest communities now. Increased floods, droughts and unpredictable seasons are wiping out crops making it hard for the poorest people, especially women, to provide food for their families.

Here at Oxfam we know that people are fighting back. With drought tolerant crops and floating gardens they are finding new and innovative ways to cope. But they can’t do it on their own. The impacts of climate change are huge and need a global response.

That’s why we’re working to create noise about our growing concerns of the impact of climate change on food supplies. Working with Oxfam partners from around the world we’ve created a new project called Sow the Seed – it’s simple, it’s fun, and we hope it has the power to bring about real change.

By taking part in Sow the Seed, you will put pressure on world leaders to take urgent action to support poor people to adapt to the increasingly devastating impacts of climate change.

We’re asking world leaders to deliver on their promise and agree to a properly financed Climate Fund at the UN Climate Conference in Cancun in December 2010. This fund should provide vulnerable countries with $100bn a year by 2020 to support them to continue to develop on a low carbon pathway as well as to adapt to a changing climate. By doing this world leaders will be acting to protect food supplies, save lives and rejuvenate the climate talks.

Join us and make sure our political leaders get the idea. Sow the Seed.

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