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Make your Wish to End Poverty

As many of you will be aware, Oxfam Australia is a member of the Make Poverty History coalition. Through this, we work alongside other organisations in the aid and development sector, working towards a world without poverty. Make Poverty History have just launched their latest campaign project, and we’re very excited to be able to point you to it.

Welcome to the Wishing Tree.

You can make your wish to end global poverty, and contribute to the largest anti-poverty movement in history. Add your wish to the Make Poverty History Wishing Tree, and ensure your political leaders hear your voice.

Right now, one in every six people around the world lives on less than $1 a day. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Add your wish towards an end to poverty, and the Wishing Tree will grow with each submission.

Think about the world you would like to see – what does it look like? What would you wish for on the road to ending global poverty?

You can also send your wish to your local Member of Parliament and the Prime Minister, urging them to hear your call and take action.
Also, share your wish via Facebook and Twitter to let all your friends know!

Together we can work towards a better world – a world where poverty is history!

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