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Dragging large white letters around Melbourne

It’s hard to be inconspicuous on a Melbourne city tram when you’re struggling to keep hold of a human-sized ‘H’ while trying to prevent the equally large ‘Y’ in your other hand from hitting your congenial tram-travelling neighbours in the face.

The 18 giant letters of ‘Make Poverty History’ have become synonymous with the campaign and its campaigners, conveniently too because there probably couldn’t be a clearer way to get our message and our name across to the general public.

Yesterday, 12 volunteers haphazardly made their way to Federation Square and Flinders Street Station to take some photos with the letters and the constituents of the City of Melbourne. You may have noticed the numbers don’t quite add up: 12 volunteers with 18 giant letters. Thankfully, groups of small school children at Fed Square and friends meeting ‘under the clocks’ were happily waylaid to be part of the fun and the results can be seen here.

But what was the purpose of all this kafuffle?

Making Poverty History is at the heart of more Melbournians than any other electorate.

More and better aid, food for all, and a safe climate – put these issues on the electoral agenda by attending the Melbourne Electorate Forum at 6pm on August 12 and forcing the politicians campaigning for your votes to campaign for greater Federal responsibility in the fight to Make Poverty History.