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Don’t wait until Aug 21 to vote – influence Australia’s climate policy now

We all voted for taking action on climate change in 07. Now it looks like we have to do it again. Help us make the message loud and clear this time so we’re not repeating ourselves in 2013.

The climate policies currently on offer from the major parties will cement Australia’s position as an international laggard on climate change action and condemns the world’s poorest to a growing climate crisis.

We know that Australians want strong action on climate change, but our leaders have so far refused to take on this responsibility. We need a government that has the courage to do its bit to tackle the growing global climate crisis. And we need an opposition that will support this action. But since Julia and Tony aren’t showing any sign of doing this, we ask you to join us and help them with policy ideas.

Vote Now

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A consolidated list of responses will be sent (prior to the federal election) to:

  • Prime Minister Julia Gillard
  • Climate Change Minister Penny Wong
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, and
  • Opposition Spokesperson for Climate Change Greg Hunt

UPDATEwe’ve tallied the votes and contacted your MPs

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