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2010 online election (part II)

In the second of our posts on the digital election, we bring you some more interesting sites and systems utilising web-based technology to further the electoral experience.

Front and centre for us is the fantastic Vote Below The Line site, which enables visitors to load voting tickets from all the candidates in this election, then rearrange the order based on your own preference. In an election that could well be decided by a few key seats, it’s welcoming to see websites such as this that encourage below the line voting.

Whilst the above mentioned site doesn’t feature any information on how to decide your preferred order, there are a plethora of places for you to find more info. In a great example of collaborative information gathering, this Google Doc displays the various political parties’ stance on key issues, providing one space to see quick comparisons across a range of key election topics.

Those clever folk behind OpenAustralia (a readable version of Parliament’s Hansard) have produced , which attempts to document and archive the various printed materials that surface during an election campaign. Don’t forget that the National Library also archives political material, and has put their call out for copies to be sent to their archives. This also includes digital resources for the PANDORA archive.

YouTube, at the last election used mostly as a second thought for television ads, is getting a fair work-out already. With everything ranging from unions making fun of Liberals, Christians attacking Greens and lobby group GetUp! questioning Tony Abbott’s past statements, we’re sure to see more pop up in the coming weeks. Check out the video above for GetUp!’s inspiring enrol-to-vote video if you missed it.

Then, of course, there are the official advertising from the majors; Liberal, Greens and the ALP, as well as the minor parties The Australian Sex Party, Family First, The Australian Democrats and the National Party.

Finally, check out Laurel Papworth’s great list of sites following the digital election, as well as Oxfam’s own 3things election coverage for some more tips and interesting links on election issues. We’d also encourage you to let us know any other gems that pop up on the net during the campaign!