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Close the Gap

The Close the Gap campaign, which Oxfam helped to launch more than a decade ago, is testament to the Australian public’s overwhelming support for improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We’ve played a lead role in transforming the Close the Gap campaign for Indigenous Health Equality from a popular movement into a force that has shaped government policy and continues to do so by elevating the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

Oxfam works together with a broad coalition of health and human rights organisations to call on political leaders to take action to Close the Gap, and to hold them to account. Oxfam has funded an annual review of progress on closing the gap, with the 2022 report highlighting the role of “voice” to transform the power dynamics and drive the policy change that is needed.

Close The Gap Campaign Report 2022: Transforming Power: Voices For Generational Change. Image of demonstrators protesting for land rights outside the Aboriginal Embassy in Canberra, 30 July 1972 (Source: Green, Sydney Morning Herald)
Download the report


National Close the Gap Day is way of celebrating success of Aboriginal people and their health services, while calling on government to do its bit. More information about Closing the Gap Day events here:

Join more than 250,000 people who have taken action for Indigenous health equality on Nation Close the Gap Day. Your actions can create lasting change. Be part of the generation who closes the gap.

This National Close the Gap Day, we have an opportunity to send our governments a clear message that Australians value health equality as a fundamental right for all.

What we’re campaigning for

The Close the Gap Coalition — a grouping of more than 50 Indigenous and non-Indigenous health and community organisations — together with more than 250,000 Australians, are calling on governments to take real, measurable action to achieve Indigenous health equality by 2030.

With your support, we are asking for:

  • Commit to 10-year funding to achieve the new targets set as part of the revised Closing the Gap strategy
  • Invest in Indigenous health on a needs basis. The needs of First Australians are akin to that of older people—they have a higher incidence of illness and therefore greater need. But the government only spends 38 per cent more on Indigenous people even though their needs are 2.3 times greater.
  • Fully cost and fund the Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan (2013-2023).
  • Ensure that Aboriginal community-controlled health services (ACCHOs) are the preferred model for government investment in primary health care services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  • Commit to providing adequate and long-term financial resources including strengthening of the Indigenous health workforce.
  • Address critical social issues that impact Indigenous health (including poor housing, nutrition, employment and education).
  • Meaningful partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and health services.